through tears and laughter

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Old Favourites

Last Christmas, I got one of my fave movies on DVD. The Sound of Music. It may sound cheesy I know, but I love it! So the other night, I finally convinced the husband to sit down and watch it with me. Apparently he thought it was all just happy songs with not much storyline, and was quite surprised of the political war issues addressed. There is more to this classic musical than meets the eye...

Now there's one part in the film where Maria is teaching the kids how to sing (if you know the movie at all, you'll know this part).. teaching them the traditional names of the notes with wee things to help them remember each one. Just as an aside, who ever thought of using those weird names anyway, and why are they not used anymore?

For those of you who are uneducated on this matter, here's the words of the song (you need to know this to properly understand the next part of this post). I did previously think that everyone knew this song, but my hubby proved me wrong, so here it is:

DO - a deer a female deer
RAY - a drop of golden sun
MI - a name I call myself
FA - a long, long way to run
SO - a needle pulling thread
LA - a note to follow so
TI - a drink with jam and bread
that will bring us back to do do do do

NB: 'do' is said 'doe'

So a few days after we watched the film, something came to mind... years ago (when I went to Aussie for GB I think, in 2000) I spotted a t-shirt with a version of this song on it. Homer Simpson's version. Good for a laugh!

If you know the tune, sing it with the words... go on, you know you want to...

DOUGH - the stuff that buys me beer
RAY - the guy who sells me beer
ME - the guy who drinks the beer
FAR - the distance to my beer
SO - I think I'll have a beer
LA - la la la la la beer
TEA? - No thanks, I'm drinking beer
That will bring us back to..


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